More Advice......

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Posted by Craig Selvey (IP: on April 11, 2000 at 19:10:37:

In Reply to: Advice.... posted by Stefan Thibeault on April 10, 2000 at 23:55:35:

Also, decrease the size of those pictures....they are way to HUGE and take to long to wait and load. I would say thay are about 300% to big. Also, "crop" in on the pictures as well.

all of this will save on bandwidth and space as well. :)

: Ray,

: I took a look at your HTML and the technique you use to attract search engines wont work.

: The repeating white text is considered spamming and many search engines will ignore your page!

: Your Meta Tags have to many repeating words and they wont get indexed.

: Take a look at this link, it will show you how to rank higher in the search engines.

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