Re: Could also be..

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Posted by TParker (IP: on April 12, 2000 at 17:31:38:

In Reply to: Could also be.. posted by Charlie on April 12, 2000 at 11:57:48:

I had a similar problem with mine except when you put on the brakes the head lights would go out it was the brake light switch that was the culpret.

: In a bulb somewhere. Replace or swap all the pertaining bulbs. It could also be a ground problem. When you press on the brakes they don't have sufficient ground and they ground through the front bulbs instead. Check what Craig said, plus your grounds and bulbs. There is a ground located on the front saddle behind the driver's side turn signal. The rear bulbs ground through the taillight housing, check for corrosion.
: I have wiring diagrams on my website, if you need them. -CP

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