Re: help! questions about rear ends from a beginner

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Posted by DAD (IP: on April 12, 2000 at 18:32:31:

In Reply to: help! questions about rear ends from a beginner posted by Topochicho on April 12, 2000 at 11:48:18:

: My rear end died the other day (think its a frozen bearing) and I want to replace the whole thing (i6 4lug rear) and go to a 5 lug rear (v8). If I could also go to disk that would be awsome. I don't know that much about rearends, but I have run into a couple options. I could go to an 8inch rear and by a disk kit, but the $$ is not worth it to me. Also the licoln disk route, besides being impossible to find, would force me to go to a 9 inch. I don't believe the added weight would be worth it, for me, I have a pretty tame v8.
: So, that leaves this explorer angle. I just ran across a page mentioning the possibility today, and so I came here (been away a while) to check it out. I ran across 1BADMAV's post "Rear Disc swap from New explorer UPDATE!!!" and I'm a little confused. He said it had to be an 8.8 or 9in rear. Is the 8.8 what people refer to when they say 8 inch rear? My understanding of Ford rears was that there was a 7.5(4 lug) rear an 8(5 lug) inch and a 9(5 lug) inch. Is this correct or are there more? The site that sent me looking here said something about using a grabber rearend, do to the larger bearings. Was the grabber rear an 8.8?
: Also he mentions that the mustang 8.8 won't work but truck 8.8s will. why not use a truck 8.8? what is the difference between a truck 8.8 and a mustang 8.8, that makes the truck 8.8 undesireable?

The 7.5,8in and 9in rear axle assy. refers to the diameter of the ring gear in the carrier. The larger the number, the bigger the gears and also bearings, housings etc. For the money, the 8inch is as good as they come. Will handle a lot of motor. Discs were not a option on them, the 9inch is really heavy duty and desireable for racing etc. 8in are readily available in most areas. See rear ends.html

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