Tuning up.

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Posted by Rudy D (IP: on April 16, 2000 at 02:19:28:

I have been tuning up my car lately and I was wondering if there is anything I have missed or anything that I could do to make it run better. So far I have changed the plugs, the plug wires, the distributor cap, the rotor, the oil, air filter, I'm gonna change the points tomorrow. It is a I-6 200 on a 70 mav. What else can I do that will make it run better, without going far away from stock or stabing my wallet? Maybe a fuel filter, although I have NO clue where that would be on the car. I'm not great with engines but I am learning and when I F**k up my father a certified mechanic helps me. How hard and how expensive would it be to put a 3.00 back end on? Right now its a 2.79 (I think) and its not much out of the hole.

Rudy D

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