Posted by Charlie (IP: on April 17, 2000 at 21:01:39:
In Reply to: Re: Happy Birthday Maverick!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 Years young posted by Mavman on April 17, 2000 at 12:36:30:
The birthday of the Maverick (& Mustang). April 17th, 1964 the Mustang was introduced to the public. It sold outstandingly, the only car that has had a better 1st year sales record than the Mustang is the Maverick, which was introduced on April 17th, 1969 (Ford thought it a lucky day for a new car, they also used it for the Mustang II). -CP
: : We need to show those Mustang guys what April 17th really means. :) -CP
: Maybe we should make it known here first. Not farmiliar with it myself.