Let's clear this up once & for all...

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Posted by T.L. (IP: on April 18, 2000 at 23:47:44:

In Reply to: I talked with people who said they owned a 351W Maverick back in the 70's. n/m posted by Richard Parson on April 18, 2000 at 14:30:56:

Mavericks & Comets NEVER came with 351s; they NEVER came with 289s, and they NEVER came with Boss 302s. Anyone who tells you they did is either absolutely STUPID or is a LIEING sack of CRAP (!!!). 'Nuff said...

: : I'm being offered a two door 1972 Maverick which as the F code in the VIN. I thought this was the 351 W code. Did Mavericks bring 351s in them?

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