I don't think he said it was on purpose n/m

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Posted by Craig Selvey (IP: on April 19, 2000 at 22:35:19:

In Reply to: Re: WARNING!!!!! posted by GMCD@CGOCABLE.NET MCMAV on April 19, 2000 at 22:06:13:

: : I got a request for some information on bumper swaps from
: : " gmcd@cgocable.net ". attached was a file with a worm virus that hopefully my software caught before it did any damage. I would delete anything I get from this guy. I dont know if he did it intentionally or maby someone is attaching his email. I dont know enough about it but i wouldnt take a chance

: ive been coming to this site,practically since it started and if you had bothered to take the time you'd have seen that.if there was anything attached to my request to you,i apoligize,but i had nothing to do with it,and i resent any implication that i did,so you can take any info you might accidently discover during you're project and stick it.

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