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Posted by Craig Selvey (IP: on April 20, 2000 at 08:42:10:

In Reply to: Re: What do you mean? n/m posted by T.L. on April 20, 2000 at 00:04:41:

He always responds to my email. It is possible he isn't getting them. Make sure you are sending them to: maverickconnection@email.com

Other than that, you can call him and leave him a message and tell him you have been trying to email him and have not heard back.

What can I say, some people walk to the beat of a different drummer.....

: I', talking about the IM/CC website...They list Chuck Stalnaker's e-mail address but he doesn't respond to e-mails sent to him. I have a couple of questions for him but can't seem to get ahold of him...

: : : : For those of you who don't know, "Shorthorns" is the official publication of the International Maverick/Comet Club. See link below for more info.

: : : : =========================
: : : : : yupper

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