Re: I'm here! NEED HELP!!!!

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Posted by Bill Shepherd (IP: on April 22, 2000 at 00:53:41:

In Reply to: I'm here! NEED HELP!!!! posted by Paulie on April 22, 2000 at 00:00:29:

: :Terry is still in harborview BUT he should be "back at work" in a month acording to his daughter! I sent him a card (compleatly non car related!) at hospital.

: I REALLY need a pitman arm for Nicky... my arm hurts from holding him steady when I break and FORGET sudden stops unless I have a LOT of space.... (piss people off 'coz I like a lot of room with him)
: There is one on the Comet BUT obviously I can't pull it off.. (no know how! *POUT*) and the yards that actually HAVE one are asking nearly $80 (REDICULOUS!). I have an idel arm.. anyone wanna trade?

::Hope Terry will be OK. You need a pitman arm puller to get it off. It can be a bear. You'll need a pickel fork to remove the centerlink from the arm. $80 is a little steep for a salvaged arm. The puller and fork would be less expensive. Good luck! BILL

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