Re: How do i go about changing the color of the plastic interior parts

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Posted by Dennis (IP: on April 23, 2000 at 06:25:52:

In Reply to: How do i go about changing the color of the plastic interior parts posted by Jay Allen on April 22, 2000 at 22:15:32:

I found hard plastic things like kick panels & the rear side panels are hard to get paint to stick to. I've painted them & weeks later after the paint has really cured, it starts flaking off. Check with a place that sell automotive paint. There is stuff you can wipe it down with first so it will help with adhesion. Personally I found that blasting the plastic with a glass bead blaster ruffs up the surface perfectly even down in the nooks & cranies. Paint sticks really well after blasting. I did my Mustang over a year ago & no flaking yet. I even tried to scrape it (in a hidden place of course)& its solid. Make sure to clean thourly pefore any painting.

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