Re: I'm here! NEED HELP!!!!

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Posted by Jerry (IP: on April 23, 2000 at 19:40:17:

In Reply to: I'm here! NEED HELP!!!! posted by Paulie on April 22, 2000 at 00:00:29:

: :Terry is still in harborview BUT he should be "back at work" in a month acording to his daughter! I sent him a card (compleatly non car related!) at hospital.

: I REALLY need a pitman arm for Nicky... my arm hurts from holding him steady when I break and FORGET sudden stops unless I have a LOT of space.... (piss people off 'coz I like a lot of room with him)
: There is one on the Comet BUT obviously I can't pull it off.. (no know how! *POUT*) and the yards that actually HAVE one are asking nearly $80 (REDICULOUS!). I have an idel arm.. anyone wanna trade?

I've not had a pitman arm 'go bad' either. How would it? It is a sold cast piece of metal. The only for it to go bad would be if it broke in two or stripped the splines and started slipping on the steering box shaft. Are you sure that is the problem? A bad idler arm might do what you describe.

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