Re: engine painting questions....

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on April 24, 2000 at 10:18:20:

In Reply to: engine painting questions.... posted by Inshan on April 23, 2000 at 23:31:23:

how bad is the surface rust? A rag with some oil on it or WD-40, wiped on will remove minor surface rust. Then use a spray cleaner for brake systems to remove the oil from the surface, then paint it. If it's deeeply surfaced rusted, you'll have to do some wire brush work.

: just bought a 5.0 out of a 95 stang, the block and heads are unpainted and are covered with surface rust. what's the best way to prepare the surfaces before painting them?
: please give me a good step by step instruction
: thanks,
: inshan

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