Posted by Sam Mangano (IP: on April 24, 2000 at 23:03:29:
In Reply to: Grabber Mavs for the birds!!!!! posted by Ray Figueroa on April 24, 2000 at 22:35:13:
...Reminds me of the time a buddy and I stumbled upon a very complete and restorable Comet GT sitting out in a grassy patch near a house. There was only one problem: the owner was using the car as a storage facility for hundreds of old bicycle parts and became very hostile at the mere mention of selling the vehicle. I swear I thought he would pull out a gun if we hadn't high-tailed it out of there in a hurry. As if to taunt me, I have to see the car on an almost weekly basis now. Very dissapointing...
: Guys, I found a NICE grabber today and tried to buy it from the owner but he wouldn't sell it to me cause theres some damn pigeons living in it!!!!!!!!!!!! Any body sellin' a good pellet gun out there? lol