Posted by rickyracer (IP: on April 25, 2000 at 13:48:21:
In Reply to: I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by Joshua Chambers on April 25, 2000 at 11:41:13:
5qts is the normal amount with a filter change, some are 4 1/2on 6cyl. As for the AC, check the Mavericks and Comets around to find one. You might even buy a parts car to get everything. Best would be to get the new R134 system from a Ford and use that. Just have to change the drive pulley or convert your's to Serpinetine drive. All depends on how much you want to pay or if you want to stay close to factory system. There is lots of aftermarket systems that can be installed also. Just look in the rod/custom & kit car mags for places.
I own a 1977 Ford Maverick and I am restoring it, and I was wondering
: if anyone could tell me how many qaurts of oil I am supposed to have in
: my motor. And if you could tell me if it is possible to install an ac
: unit into my car eventhough it didn't come with one, and where could I
: find one? Thanks a bunch, if you fell like talking about cars and such
: email me at laters, ><>JOSH<><.