Re: Need repair advice on rear main seal!?!

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Posted by Mavman (IP: on April 25, 2000 at 22:50:26:

In Reply to: Need repair advice on rear main seal!?! posted by A Wester on April 25, 2000 at 14:09:48:

: I have been working on a 72 maverick fixing it up to drive it on the highway, and for the last couple years it has only seen town use. Anyway to make a long story short it is leaking lots of oil after driving around 12-15 miles on the highway. I believe it is the rear main seal from talking to other people. Does anyone have any experience repairing this and have any idea how involved it would be. I know it is a big repair I just wondered if anyone had done it. If anyone has any or knows of some good web sites that talk about repairing mavericks or cars in general I would greatly appreciate your help. Either email me or I will check back here. Thanks alot.

What engine? V8 or 6? If you follow the oil deposit, remember, gravity sucks, so normally where ever the oil stops as you go up should pretty much tell you were the leak is. Gotta keep in mind that the fan is going to blow the oil a little. Also, if you park on clean pavement(WAY out in a parking lot), let the car set for 5-10 minutes, it should tell you, from the drops on the pavement, the front to back and side to side areas to be looking on the motor for leakage. Depending on the number of cylinders, I'm sure someone on the message board has replaced the rear main seal before. Need to do mine too.

Good Luck

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