Mark's Maverick Page will be moving!

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Posted by Mavman (IP: on April 25, 2000 at 23:01:07:

I finally got my cable modem, and am working on my first home network. I'm going to be running my web site off of my server. For those who either need to change their link to my site, or for those who like to hit my site I will be posting my new site url as soon as I get everything into place. Plan on using a redirect page at first. This may not be completed for a week or so. Still getting it together, then have to edit the web site here and there.

The site URL(address) should be

I hope everyone gets this and can make any necessary changes. I'd say I was sorry, but "I GOT A CABLE MODEM". No more screaming modem to listen to in the middle of the night. hehehehe

Wish me luck!!!

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