towers wont HAVE to be cut...

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Posted by Shawn (IP: on April 27, 2000 at 10:30:38:

In Reply to: Re: 302 to 400 Motor Swap, will it work? posted by Bill Shepherd on April 27, 2000 at 09:09:39:

: : I've got a 73 Maverick 4 door with a 302 and c4 tranny, I have a 77 400M with a c6 i want to put in it, will it work? I read that a popular conversion is to put a 351 Clevland in a maverick and I've been told that the 351 clevland is the same as a 400 just an inch shorter. I've got 351 Clevland 4 barrel heads to put on it too.

: ::: The 400 is not a desirable engine to consider. It is not a performance engine and would cost too much to make it one as compared to a 302 or 351W. The 351C will fit a Mav with modifications(shock towers) but the windsor family is the better engine when it comes to finances. Bigger is not always better even if it is most convenient.BILL

I agree that the 400 wouldn't be in my top 20 choices of engines either.
But it can be done without cutting if you are that ambitious, I've seen it done.

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