Depends on the condition of the engine...

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Posted by Charlie (IP: on April 28, 2000 at 11:10:48:

In Reply to: Faced with a hard choice. posted by Rudy D on April 27, 2000 at 22:48:00:

An engine that 'needs rebuilding' can mean trouble. If it was just burning oil then thats okay, but maybe it overheated or something, that can mean big trouble. If it has a ton of mile then you may have to turn the crankshaft and bore it, etc. That said, its hard to say how much you'd spend on a rebuild, but I'd estimate at least $1000 for a low-buck rebuild & install. That's $1000 for all the parts to convert plus the rebuild, (if you do it yourself).
All the parts you need can be found in a junkyard, which is also the cheapest place to get them. Check out the link below for more info.

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