Re: Polyurathane bushings-anyone with experience?

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Posted by Sam Mangano (IP: on April 29, 2000 at 00:35:56:

In Reply to: Polyurathane bushings-anyone with experience? posted by John B. on April 28, 2000 at 21:29:50:

Greetings John,

I used a polygraphite kit from PST. It was the Complete kit for $229 (U.S.), and I found everything in order and of good quality. Make sure you give them the diameter of the Sway bar you plan to use, as they will supply the proper bushings for your application. The kit comes with:
2 upper ball joints
2 lower ball joints
2 outer tie rod ends
2 control arm bumpers
4 polygraphite upper inner control arm bushings
2 polygraphite lower control arm bushings
2 polygraphite strut rod bushings
2 polygraphite stabilizer links
2 polygraphite sway bar bushings (with brackets)

There is also a Super kit available, but I don't really think you'll need it unless you're going to be a fanatic about this. It includes upper and lower control arm assemblies, idler arm, etc...

Their toll free order number is : 1-800-247-2288.

Hope this helps!
Sam :)

: The process has been slower than I expected but the front-end of my car is stripped now, the re-usable parts painted in POR15...I need to commit to a rebuild kit. I was wondering if anyone had any actual first hand experience with complete replacement of all bushings, ball joints etc. (Polyurathane in particular)that they could share. I'm looking for as complete a package as possible. Anyone care to recommend PST, or Energy, or maybe one of the Mustang packages? Looking for actual experience please, not speculation. (A list of what came with your kit, what it cost, and your source would be fantastic, if possible.)Thanks. John B.

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