cfm rating for the standard 2V?

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on June 22, 2000 at 13:53:42:

In Reply to: what is the cfm rating for the standard 2V? posted by roadrage on June 21, 2000 at 18:49:33:

the carb size for a two barrel is the same way they do with a 4. About a 275-300cfm on a 302. Bigger engine bigger carb. 4brl, manifold and headers will get you about 40 horses more at the most. Cam and heads slow down the horsepower factor. Cam is to small and the exhaust side of the heads is way to small.

: pretty simple question. im just interested in knowing what the cfm rating of my autolight (or whatever it is) 2V?
: i already posted the question of which 4V to use on a stock motor.
: ive decided on a 500 cfm edelbrock if i switch to a 4V. however, i wonder if it would really be an improvement over the 2V.
: if it isnt, i would prefer wait until i go thru the motor. no sense in buying a carburetor that wont be adequate in a few years when ive got a hot cam in it. i know then i will need a good 600 cfm to make it fly.
: im not big into wasted investments. id appreciate the gallery's advice on this subject.
: thanks
: roadrage

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