I set/clean them often, n/m

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Posted by Charlie (IP: on March 05, 2000 at 17:15:29:

In Reply to: Points SUCK... posted by T.L. on March 05, 2000 at 16:26:21:

: ...and 33k is WAY too much mileage to put on a set of points...I can only imagine how much performance your engine is being robbed of...I used to reset the dwell/gap EVERY 3 MONTHS & replace them every 6 because they were fried after that short amount of time...Oh sure it still ran, but not to its fullest potential...

: : Pertronix are nice, but I have 33k on one set of points so quit bragging :)
: : I am planning on swapping to a Mallory electronic ignition soon. Electronics ar definitely the better way to go, but points aren't a problem -CP

: : : ... I've had my Pertronix in for over 30K mi.(yes 30,000)and haven't had ANY troubles...HOWEVER they do have to be "gapped" (like points) when you initially install them.

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