Re: Survey for a MATH class....

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Posted by Rudy D (IP: on March 08, 2000 at 11:23:05:

In Reply to: Survey for a MATH class.... posted by Paulie on March 08, 2000 at 08:53:35:

: OK guys, I need your help here. We were supposed to do a "group project" for math class (acinine, I know) and our "group" has pussied out rightfully thinking that this is a grade school thing, HOWEVER, this little ditty is 4% of our over all grade and I need to engage in a CMA thing.
: So, just be sweeties and answer the questions below (you can fake it if you want, I just need some numbers here)
: My own answers are right after just for laughs. Ta ever so....

: 1) How many Mav's/ Comets do you own? ( 1 Maverick)
: 2) Do you own any other cars? (2 motorcycles)
: 3) Have you owned a Mav/Comet before? If so, how many? (My MOM also had one...)
: 4) What did you pay for it/them? (Parents gave it to me, they paid $700)
: 5) How much have you invested in it? ($2000 not includeing my own labor.)
: 6) Do you do your own work on it? (I do everything but engine work, my father does that.)
: 7) If you take it to a shop, on average how much do you pay each visit? (cost of parts.)
: 8) Have you sold a Mav/Comet before? (No)
: 9) Did you make or loose money? ( I will make money on this one. )

: Thanks again guys, I can do a BS presentation on Statistics this way.

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