gutless 250

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Posted by Paulie (IP: on March 10, 2000 at 10:20:55:

Ok, I confess...insted of junking the '72 I decided to get a second opinion. I found that the front end was only in need of a pitman arm and an alignment (totaled front end my Ass!) I had the tranny rebuilt (governer went out and took the whole F*&^% thing with it!) including all the cooling lines ect ect A-MEN!
Went back to my REGULAR ford guru and we tuned him up (Kevin found a few crossed lines here and there... I HATE DUMBSH** mechanics!!!!) Proud to say that the little things that I did personally were FINE and that I did nothing to contribute to the f*** ups!
Also found that my leaky themostat housing was cracked (that's why it wouldn't stop dripping) and that the hoses I bought were to small (302 radiator,250 engine).
It already sounds 100% better than it did before tho' it looks like I'm going to have to drain the tank to get the last of the water out.
Question is, Will the water in the gas line cause it to be "gutless" up hill and the stall outs at the light? I've poured "heat" and variations there of into the tank and though the problems getting better I'd like to cure it entirely.
Going to see Alice on Sunday *whoo-hoo* and then in the next few weeks going down to my roomies brother in law's to learn/remove dents and pretty it up.

So I got bit really hard on buying this little guy, BUT I have been braver in trying to "DIY" repairs! And SUCSESSFULL!!!

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