Re: Maverick Values

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Posted by Sparks (IP: on March 20, 2000 at 12:36:49:

In Reply to: Maverick Values posted by Biull Hughes on March 20, 2000 at 01:47:06:

: We as maverick owners can set the value of a Maverick at what ever we choose. I have a '73 four door (the lowest of the low) in show room condition. I probably have $5000.00 in the car spent on parts alone.

Don't sell yourself short. I also have a 73 4dr. It WAS in great condition until I was hit from behind.
(new rear valence was aquired)The paint will look newer, but the interior is flawless. BTW it is a 302.
I would not sell it unless I was desperate and out of blood.

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