Re: OK, who was the idiot who......

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Posted by rickyracer (IP: on November 03, 1999 at 18:53:33:

In Reply to: OK, who was the idiot who...... posted by Inshan on November 02, 1999 at 19:34:53:

:it was the same idiot that designs allot of the stuff on cars. because they never have to work on it. If you use a pry bar don't pry on the pump outer body, if you dent it in it might rub against the impellors then you get to do it again when you put the new one on.
Altenaters are a piece of cake, just use a 12" cresent wrench on the bottom mounting boss, that's why it's square like it is. Then just tighten the bolt as you hold it out in place. Just have to be laying on your back.
And what ever you do don't let the SOB kick your butt.

who was the idiot who designed the power steering pump mounting bracket on the 250 I6??? how is one person supposed to tension the belt? i tried to tighten my belt and couldn't even figure out how to pull the pump and hold it to keep the tension on the belt. please help!!!
: i want to condemn the fluid cooler coil and replace the hoses, but i want o know how to tension the belt before i start.

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