Posted by T.L. (IP: on November 03, 1999 at 20:03:04:
In Reply to: Sending unit for '76 Maverick. posted by Joe Divito on November 03, 1999 at 13:11:14:
Got mine from a Junkyard for 2-bucks from a Maverick (with the same size tank of course) and it works GREAT...It is VERY easy to install too...
: It looks like post from the person who was searching for a gas tank sending unit for a
: '76 Maverick has been archived. I found a couple of sources who may be able to refurbish
: (recondition or locate a replacement) for your existing unit (or a non-functional salvage
: yard copy).
: 1. Antique Auto Parts Cellar. 781-335-1925.
: 2. J Pinto. 717-839-3441. They didn't specifically mention refurbish of gas tank sending
: units by name, but they did say they restore electric motors and all switches, relays, and
: solenoids. They may be able to help.
: There are also NOS parts locator services you can try:
: 1. NOS Only. 408-227-2355 (E-mail: Covers 1955 to current year.
: 2. National Parts Locator Service. 801-392-9455. Foreign and domestic from 1895 to
: present.
: When I have some more time, I'll see if I can locate some more sources.
: Joe