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Posted by Mavstang73 (IP: on November 04, 1999 at 23:32:01:

In Reply to: mavstang....pls send... posted by Inshan on November 03, 1999 at 18:05:35:

Hi. Okay the kit costs $230 you get it from www.p-s-t.com. Or their number is 1-800-247-2288. Make sure you know your sway bar dia. before you call measure it using a wrench it's probaly gonna be 3/4" if you want to get a bigger sway bar now is the time to do it, get one from a junkyard off a granada or order one from P.S.T.
Their sway bars are 20 bucks less when you order one of their suspension kits. And when my kit arrived I was pretty impressed with the quality, just make sure you throw some paint on the lower control arms as they come bare metal. That was the only downside, well that and having to pay someone to get the car aligned. I would suggest at least 7/8" if you have a 302, personally I would use a 1" bar.
And these other guys took the words right out my mouth about the spring compressor "GET THE INTERNAL KIND" I can't tell you how much I wish I hadn't wasted my time and money the first time around by getting the kind that clamp onto the outside of the coil, they are hard to use even with an impact wrench and not as safe as the internal kind of spring compressor. Good luck and if you have any other questions fire away.

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