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Posted by Paulie (IP: on November 13, 1999 at 09:27:04:

In Reply to: Attitudes posted by Dan F. on November 12, 1999 at 13:10:53:

I still get mixed reactions about my Alice.... I've been offered $3000 for her, been told what a cool car she is, heard the "I used to own one of those!"...on the other hand, I've been ignored and snubbed at car meets, asked the "why a Mav-er-ICK" and even have been turned down by a repair shop that wouldn't touch it!

However, I didn't buy Alice for other people... not even to bail out the man I thought I loved (his romate thought I was crazy wanting to restore her!)... I have Alice because I have loved mavericks since I was a kid (my mum's first car was a 73', black on silver 2 door)... I can't really say why, perhaps part of it is the name alone... I am most decidedly a Maverick myself. Perhaps it is the fact that it is the "other" ford... I had my Alice before I found the MMB/IMCC... it (the BB) has gone a long way in making my dreams for her (and then some!) a reality...
Maybe someday the "rest" of the classic car community will understand but I for one will keep my girl no matter WHAT they say!

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