Re: So Cal Meet on April 9, 2000. Knotts Berry Farm!!!!!!

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Posted by TParker (IP: on November 16, 1999 at 14:55:40:

In Reply to: Re: So Cal Meet posted by TParker on November 16, 1999 at 13:47:59:

I found the site for there show this year it is at
There is a registration form on the site that you can down load and print. This site has all of the info on the event. Everbody on the West Coast should come to this event. It is a one day All Ford gathering. They also offer discount tickets to the park. Last year there were only 3 Mavericks and 1 very nice Comet there. The year before there were only 2 Mavericks. We need to make a good showing this year. This event gets over 2000 Fords at it each year and 75%-90% are Mustangs. Please Email me if you are comming and if we get enough responce we can make this a Mini Meet.

: This is the event I tried to get everyone to come to last year but no one showed. This is one of the best events in So Cal. I will be there again this year. Hope to see all the other South Western Mavericks there too.

: : There is a huge ford show at knotts in early april, prolly the 8th, that would be cool! Just a thought...

: : Mark G

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