Re: 70 Maverick Brochures

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Posted by Craig Selvey (IP: on November 16, 1999 at 18:21:35:

In Reply to: Re: 70 Maverick Brochures posted by Dennis on November 16, 1999 at 17:43:48:

Dennis has found the key difference.....the date on the back. I have several copies of this brochure...including Canadian and USA versions. You can actually see where they changed all the paint names in August of 1969, as well as added the 250 6-cyl in January of 1970.

The Grabber came out in March and the brochure was changed for that...but I have been unable to find that brochure. I have seen I know it exists.

: I have the same cover on mine & is 8 pages but it dosent have anything on the grabber. on the back in the bottom left cornor it has
: 5064-rev-1/70. when did the grabber come out?

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