Re:Count me in!!!.....n/m... and darn good idea too!!!!!

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Posted by Dan Starnes (IP: on November 16, 1999 at 20:13:51:

In Reply to: and an Idea posted by Michael Haertel on November 16, 1999 at 06:32:49:

: Just found the webpage for Horse Power TV from TNN ( I love this show and and had an idea. I e-mail them, and made a suggestion that they get their hands on a Maverick, and use it as one of their project cars. The usually spend about 5000 bucks on each car the work on, I wonder what 5 grand could do to a mav. That could be scary. Anyway, I'd like to ask that all of you E-Mail horse power TV. Maybe if enought of us e-mail them, they will take the idea into consideration. From watchin the show, I would assume that they would do a 302 swap, probably change the tranny and rear end, exhaust, interior, paint, and whatever else they could think of. It would be awesome watchin them tear into a mav with all they got, and come out with an awesome, powerfull super mav! What do you guys think? are their enought of us to petition HP TV into doing a Mav project?

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