Do you live in Mexico?

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Posted by Charlie ( on May 03, 2001 at 18:27:07:

In Reply to: Re: RE: SHELBY MAVERICK posted by Seth Roberts on May 02, 2001 at 22:35:54:

Having an article about a New Jersey Maverick will say nothing either way about the Mexican Shelby Maverick. I don't care if you have been around cars all your life, if you don't live in Mexico then that means nothing.

Have you ever heard of the Shelby Mustang de mexico? probably not, but it DID exist and this is proven.

You cannot prove anything. I still am unsure whether or not the exsisted BUT if the Shelby registry lists them and you think that isn't proof, but some magazine has a dealer one-off and you think THAT's proof, you're wrong. -CP

You guys aren't listening!
: When I say,'Proof Is On The Way',
: I mean proof that there never was
: such a thing. It was something that
: a dealer made up. I have been around
: a lot of cars since I was old enough
: to walk. I have never heard of or seen
: a Shelby Maverick. I had heard a rumor
: back in the mid 80's-when I had my Comet
: GT and neither that or Mavericks had a
: true following-that Shelby Ent. had prepared
: some Mavericks for racing but that they were
: never intended to be street cars.

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