Posted by Skippy ( on May 05, 2001 at 01:21:05:
In Reply to: Re: Thanks! posted by Fastman on May 04, 2001 at 20:15:36:
: : :
: : : : EOAE-D3O
: I believe the AE means absolutely nothing. It was once said that Ford used A for the first casting of everything, then then went through the whole alphabet for changes(no matter how small) to a certain part. Once they went through the whole alphabet, they started at AA, then went through it again, like AB, AC, etc. But for the engine casting of AE, I doubt they used this method. Every Ford engine casting number has the first four numbers and letters(in your case E0AE). Then they used a hyphen and added one to (?) letters for different castings(this is where the Alphabet comes in). I have a 70 351 Cleveland from a Ranchero that has D0AE-J, and many Mustangs used the exact same block with the same casting numbers. It is true that some casting numbers are specific to some models, the DOAE-J block was used across the whole Ford line up including Mercury. SOme blocks use **OZ, **ZZ, etc. It really means nothing for the person using the blocks, except for maybe my Ranchero which needs it's original block vrs a D0AZ casting. The D3o is just like the _J in my 351's casting. I really is irrelavent in the blocks casting number(unless you work for Ford). Some blocks carry a casting number that differs from another for a small(can be large, but usually small) change.Like a small boss for an accesory bolt in the side of the block. But it really is nothing to be concerned about. The main part of the casting that people should and do look at are the first two units(your case E0). I hope this helps.
OK - good info - thanks again!