Re: Ethonol

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Posted by Ken ( on May 05, 2001 at 12:08:18:

In Reply to: Ethonol posted by RudyD on May 05, 2001 at 01:18:46:

RudyD, here is some basic info on alcohol type fuels.
..They have a specific gravity about 2 times that of gasoline therfore carb jetting will be about twice as large and therefore fuel mileage very poor.
..There rate of evaporation is very high thus the cooling effect allows the air volume drawn in with the fuel to be greater allowing roughly 5-10% more power. (Not because of burning hotter)
..The BTU value when burned is not nearly that of gas so does not burn as hot.
..Then there are issues of corrosion in the carb and gasket problems over time.
..We run sprint cars and gokarts on it but after every race meet,flushing/cleaning has to be done. So it has its use in racing.
..Road cars could use it, if the cost could come down,corrosion resistant materials used and larger fuel tanks used.
..Ethonal usually is distilled from common field corn ((like hooch)),with methanol coming from trees like turpintine and is a [poison].
..Hope this gives some insight to your question as I brought it up from memory without checking so I tryed not to give any firm numbers.


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