Re: stainless trim for doors

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Posted by Ken ( on January 10, 2001 at 19:34:03:

In Reply to: stainless trim for doors posted by mcmav on January 10, 2001 at 17:45:50:

I picked up a set of this trim. Its 3/4 wide the length of the door as it must fit between the door upper edge and the sport mirror. The short piece is much wider and covers the area under the side window back to the side window trim.
Presently have no factory info. Hopefully the parts shows coming up shortly will yield something. I'm working on a solution to mount the trim without drilling any holes that involves making mountings afixed with double sided automotive tape.
As for the wider trim you mention, it may be for use with out and /or some other type of mirror combination. Let it be known whe info is found.

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