Re: Maverick Chat: question from new owner

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Posted by Gretchen ( on March 06, 2001 at 00:25:12:

In Reply to: Re: Maverick Chat posted by johnnymaverick on March 01, 2001 at 22:05:05:

I'm a new Maverick owner having a forest green
1970 signed over to me and I will be doing an
engine over-haul (replacing the 250 with a 302
boss) I just had the transmission rebuilt with
the 250 a while back with c-3, my friend feels
I need to update the transmission to a c-4
because of the power difference the 302 boss
puts out, and he feels the c-3 transmission
won't handle it and might snap the gears.
Should I consider updating to a c-4 seriously or
leave her at a c-3. I'm also concerned that with
the light body the 302 boss might go too fast and
might ...... with the light body. Please Help.

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