So what's your best Mav "trick"?

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Posted by John B. ( on March 06, 2001 at 20:43:57:

Do you have something that is unique or especially clever about the way you've done, or are doing your Maverick? Maybe it's a part swap that you don't think anyone else has thought of (like that '89 Mustang dash idea), or a custom detail that you are especially proud of (like those Chevy tailights...what were they? from a '67?). Lets see what kind of a "better idea" list we can generate here. Pictures encouraged. Work out!
My 'entry' is using a set of '96 Sunfire seats and shoulder and lap belts in my '73. The buckets will go in as is. In the back I took the cover off of the Pontiac seats and fitted it over the stock Mav back seat. I have to weld in a couple of brackets for the seatbelts, but now I will have 1 piece lap and shoulder belts front and rear. The whole works cost me $300 Canadian, which seems like a good deal to me! I'll try to get some pics posted by the weekend if I can borrow the digital camera from work. Anyone else have a "brilliant " idea to share? John B.

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