Thanks for the info.................n/m

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Posted by Dennis ( on March 09, 2001 at 05:05:17:

In Reply to: Re: 88 5.0 questions...... posted by Ken on March 09, 2001 at 00:27:42:

: Its your call as to what you want from the the engine setup. More can be done with mass air and still maintain drivability as the sensor inputs continually adjust fuel,spark timing and monitor other functions. With speed density the engine control is done mostly by the software program contained in memory with limited input from sensors.If you want to change the cam to a pulling type,supercharge etc. the mass air is the way to go. With speed density, mods to far outside the limits of the programs parameters causes operating problems thus engine operation become a pain.
: I'm not recommending one system over the other unless there is a requirement to be met that dictates the type of system to use.
: All the pickup trucks from 85 to in the 90s use speed density and work very well but remember they are not hi winding setups like a Mustang. Also I can say that the Lincoln sport coupes 88-93 all use the Mustang engines with the speed density system and I can tell you that they run pretty strong with there factory 3:26 gear and a weight of around 4000 lbs and can get fuel mileage as high as 23 on a trip.
: I assumed that maybe you wanted to keep cost down in the swap process and felt the speed density system would work fine in your application.
: Do it which ever way you like as both system have there merits.
: Good luck in which ever way you decide.
: Ken

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