Re: Mystery Coolant leak HELP.

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Posted by Ken ( on March 09, 2001 at 22:12:26:

In Reply to: Mystery Coolant leak HELP. posted by Mavdude on March 09, 2001 at 21:54:11:

There may have been air trapped in the system when you filled it. As it worked its self out to the fill area you now see it as low. Just put more coolant in. If there's no leak the level should not drop much more. The coolant must find its way into the heater core that is higher than the engine and often traps air there.
Hope thats all there is to it for you. A tip that often helps is to drill an 1\8 inch hole in the outer area of the thermostat that is still exposed to the coolant, to allow air to bleed before it opens up on temp.

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