Re: Looking for a help w/300 I-6 swap into Maverick.

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Posted by Craig Selvey ( on March 11, 2001 at 08:24:20:

In Reply to: Looking for a help w/300 I-6 swap into Maverick. posted by Richard Parson on March 11, 2001 at 00:30:56:


I have never done it myself, but I have seen it done. This is not an easy swap. The 300 is taller for one. I imagine a lot of fabrication would have to take place to get everything lined up correctly.


: OK. anybody out there who has done this swap needs to e-mail me or post on this message board. Can this be done without getting into the firewall? I've been told yes by some and read that no you can't in car craft but I don't believe the magazine. I guess I will need to measure if nobody can help me but any experience in this would be greatly appreciated.

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