Re: Mounting pads....

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Posted by dan c. ( on March 12, 2001 at 01:07:23:

In Reply to: Mounting pads.... posted by Richard Parson on March 12, 2001 at 00:34:17:

yes, i got real intimate with one in a salvage yard in the winter of 1990(i snagged the 90 degree oil filter adapter from it) and there is no doubt it was a 240.ok on to the insulators....these are listed as the ONLY insulators used on 240/300 from 65 to 91 in all truck applications. i don't have ford books here to back that up, but that sealed power catalog hasn't let me down yet.the econolines used the standard ford motor mount pad layout used in almost all ford cars from '58 to about '67 in fullsize, all 6 cylinder cars like falcons and mustangs all the way up had pads that were the same distance apart, just farther forward. now when i'm talkin' pads, i mean frame brackets, motor mounts(the part with the rubber in it) are properly refererred to as insulators-just to keep it straight as to what i'm saying.

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