PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by Trevor ( on March 12, 2001 at 13:20:49:

I need to know the statistics for the original factory-made maverick.
Stats like cargo volume, Passenger volume, Engine displacement, valves,
torque, Horsepower, fuel system, transmission, and factory fuel economy. It would also be nice to have the Curb Weight, Weight Distribution, Wheelbase, Length, Width, height, Steering Diamiter(curb), Steering, Suspension, Tires, Head room, Leg room, Shoulder room, and Hip Room. I am doing a comparison between the maverick and the 2001 Ford Focus ZTS. Of corse, I believe that the maverick is a better car. Please tell me some good things about it so I can help the name of your infamous car out. Thanks SO much.

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