Sometimes Sub teachers are a good thing! Mav history..

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Posted by Paulie ( on March 13, 2001 at 11:33:42:

Mind you, I am still waiting to hear from him via e-mail with all the info...
My regular instructor was gone and the sub was a bit of a gear head... we were talking cars and the subject of my sprain came up (how my Mav had caused it)... It seems one of HIS instructors was the original designer of the Maverick!!! He gave me the name but I had nothing to write it down with so I gave him my card and asked him to e-mail me with the info! He said that the guy would be very excited to know that "his" car has such a following!
Did you know that in the add with the gal leaning over the Mav that they enlarged HER to make the car look smaller??
I will persue this further if I don't hear back... my regular instructer and the sub are good freinds....

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