Posted by Ken ( on March 13, 2001 at 22:31:36:
In Reply to: ford distributor????? posted by dung chow ping on March 13, 2001 at 01:27:55:
Also be aware that an 5L engine that has a roller cam must have its compatable steel gear on the dist.
The EFI unit only has the RPM pickup in it . The (TFI) as they are called is a solid state circuit that switches the ignition on and off to fire each cylinder and belive it or not works opposite
to a point or electronic dist.
So the one you have is not useful on a carb engine.
I have perhaps the only 302 (old engine (73)) converted to modern fuel injection and have replaced the steel gear on the efi dist. with an iron gear to be compatable with a 302 flat tappet cam.