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Posted by Chris ( on March 02, 2001 at 14:55:56:

In Reply to: catalytic converters... posted by Jason on March 02, 2001 at 13:20:53:

All of the time it's the car, sometimes it's the engine that require the cats. When you go to have your emissions tested (which you don't, because you don't have to), the mechanic is required to do a visual inspection and see if you have cats...if you don't, you won't pass. Since your car doesn't need cats, you're safe there. In the case of the 5.4, you won't need cats either. The only O2 sensors will be directly after the headers...before where the cats would be. In some engines (like the 3.8 found in mustangs) there is an additional O2 sensor found AFTER the which case, it would be a bad idea to remove the cats. With a 5.4, you're fine either way!
Just a quick thought though....instead of a blown 5.4, you should consider some of the 4.6's found online...there's one company (can't remember the name, just search for 4.6) that sells 600- and 800-horse versions of a naturally aspirated 4.6--probably more power than you'd make with a blower, and in the end it might cost you less. Either way, neither engine will fit in your engine compartment without some serious modifications (a 4.6 is 4" wider than a 302). Good luck!

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