Re: Plug wires, etc.

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Posted by MadMav71 ( on March 14, 2001 at 16:27:20:

In Reply to: Re: Compression Help Needed posted by rickyracer on March 13, 2001 at 23:43:03:

It's a 250 and it has new plugs, wires, coil, condenser, points, cap and rotor.. pretty much new everything to do with spark. It also has a new carburetor and new valve stem seals. With it being within 10%, I thought that was ok too, but it is definitely my number 1 cylinder that is misfiring. The plug in that cylinder has a lot more "soot" on it than the others, and that's after running it only very little since installing the new plugs (Bosch Platinum). What about going with a hotter-than-stock coil or maybe replace the points sytem with electronic ignition? Would that help any? Thanks.

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