Posted by Maverick73 ( on March 02, 2001 at 16:12:59:
In Reply to: Re: Let's pick this one apart... posted by Ryan on March 01, 2001 at 22:37:08:
It sure doesnt look like my 73. No big front bumper, grill and turn lights, dash.
Wish I could get a picture of my 73 for you to compare...but cant figure out how to post lol
: he lives near me. I can't get his email address to ask him where because I forgot my rbay password. If somebody can get me his email address Iwill go and check this car out and set this guy straight on what he actually has. Lets see, that scoop was not available on mavericks, the dash dosn't has the 73 LDO wood panel on passenger side, he was really stupid to mount the cd player where he did, If it i a 73 it has a bumper swap.