i got a clevland in my maverick

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Posted by HnE_ironman ( on March 18, 2001 at 04:50:49:

hi maverick gear heads,,just wanted to remind u that clevlands fit in mavericks and make hella power.A place called tubular automotive in massachusis make headers for it also.i have one that is half tubbed ,and running mid 11s .People just look and shake there heads,,hehehe,,,5.o guys are buying parts like mad out here in mid california trying to beat the "orange maverick with the clevland "hehhheheheh.If ur lucky enough to have a clevland maverick,,cam the crap outta them,,they flow real good,,2.19 valves,,and spin them to 8500 rpms.They wont blow up for a while,,and u will smoke those chevy and 5.0 guys hard.The headers wont seal all that good so just learn to live with the annoying leaks,,also trw makes a flat top piston that is 11 to 1 comprission.Thats a flat piston,,perfect for nitrous,,i havent needded it yet but these guys will catch on one of these days hehheee,,any way build ur mavericks to scream,,,they are a made for the strip car,,and are over looked bad,,,,,,,peace out

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