Re: One more question Ken, well a couple!

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Posted by ltdford72 ( on March 20, 2001 at 08:34:22:

In Reply to: Re: Old Ford Cars Low Voltage at Coil? posted by Ken on March 19, 2001 at 20:00:54:

Thank you for your response Ken, Just to make sure I understand, you did use a relay (foglight type 30 amp?). Was it positioned in line between the positive side of the coil and the ignition switch? I assume the relay takes in what ever voltage, in my case, 4 to 6 key on, 7 to 8 running and then delivers 12v to the output?
When you did yours, was the car running poorly and when the relay was used, it was back to normal power?
Thanks again.

: In most of the Ford motor cars with point type ignitions, there is a voltage dropping resistor in the line somewhere and may be hidden in the wireing harness thus causing lower voltage to appear at the coil. When cranking the engine the resistor is bypassed in the (start) position, then put back in the (run) position.
: I have already converted to the Duraspark system and did feed it with full 12V thru an aux. relay and ran 3 years without a problem cooking it before going to F.I. Of course I won't say that there could never be a problem as even the stock systems go bad at times.
: Hope this gives some extra insight that helps understand thing a little more.
: Good luck.
: Ken

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