Posted by Ken ( on March 20, 2001 at 21:26:38:
In Reply to: Re: One more question Ken, well a couple! posted by ltdford72 on March 20, 2001 at 08:34:22:
The relay requirements for this use need only be a lighter type like the Radio Shack #275-218. Its 12v, 10amp contact rating. Find some secure mounting medthod and location on the fender well.
Wire it right off the normal ignition feed thru the dropping resistor to pin 13 and ground to pin 14. The relay coil does not draw enough current to drop the voltage to the relay coil any sugnificent amount.
Wire a 12v feed through about a 10 amp fuse holder to the relay contacts pin 9 and 12. Wire the supply to the ignition to pins 5 and 8. Note that this is doubling up on the contacts.
Be sure to use a good grade of automotive wire at least #18 in size and take care in routing so there will be the best relibality etc. Never wire any feature without fuse protection.
The ignition will use about 8 amps at higher rpm.
Thats all there is to it.
At the time I had no real problem but saw improvement in starting and idle quality when the change was made.
I can't help much at this time if there is something else causing you a problem with engine performance so
hang in there and make only one mod at a time so the problems don't multiply.
And thanks for asking.
: : Ken